What is a Container Emptying Service?

Container emptying is the process of removing all the products out of a shipping container. 

How To
Empy a Shipping Container

Shipping containers can be emptied using various ways depending on the type of load that needs removal. For normal items like boxes and palletized goods container can be emptied by hand or with the assistance of a forklift. For larger items conveyors or clamp trucks can be used to empty the container of its contents. Container empty services are also known as Container Unloading Services.

How much does it cost to empty a container?

empty container

By using in house workers

If a warehouse has employees to spare container can be emptied normally for a few hundred dollars depending on how fast the in house workers are willing to work. 

Using Flat Rate Lumpers

On the other hand there are flat rate lumper services available that can guarantee a price to empty shipping containers by hand. Lumper services are able to provide professional unloaders that will get the job done typically twice as fast as inexperienced workers. 

Remember to clean out the Container

Emptying a container is not only about removing the product, it is important to clean out the container and remove and foreign object that may be in there including but not limited to:

  • desiccant
  • broken pallet pieces
  • plastic shrink wrap scraps
  • strapping

Order Container Emptying Services Today!

Get in touch with us to arrange for your next container unloading job.